How to Host a Program at the RTC

INL is opening the RTC facility to other government agencies and international organizations for hosting events and training programs. If you are planning an event at the RTC, here’s what you need to know:


Ghana requires visas for all U.S. and most non-ECOWAS citizens. If your visa application requires a business invitation letter, please contact us. We suggest applying no later than a month in advance. If you are traveling for a U.S. sponsored program, your points of contact for your visa application should be your hotel and the U.S. Embassy in Accra:

Embassy of the United States
No. 24, Fourth Circular Rd.
Cantonments, Accra
P.O. Box GP 2288
Accra, Ghana
Telephone: (233) 030-2741-150
Fax: (233) 030-2741-692/741-763


INL Instructors and Program Managers typically stay at local hotels. Upon request, RTC will be happy to make reservations on your behalf at U.S. Government per diem rates.


RTC works with a local travel agency to arrange all transportation for participants and we have a dedicated vehicle that can accommodate most instructor groups during the program. Please contact us to arrange airport transfer or to inquire about larger groups.


For INL sponsored training courses, Posts will receive an invitation cable specifying the allotment of participants requested for the program. Posts should arrange participant travel to/from Accra, including all transportation costs and travel per diem, and send a funding estimate to the RTC’s INL Program Officer. Posts should secure travel confirmations once the INL fund cite is received and send all travel itineraries, participant information, and other information identified in the invitation cable to INL and the RTC. The RTC will handle ground transportation in Accra. For programs sponsored by other agencies or international organizations, RTC will assist with travel arrangements as contractually agreed.


All participants from armed, law enforcement units need to be vetted consistent with Department of State (and/or other agency) requirements.

Training Schedule

Typical courses held at the RTC are one to three weeks in duration. Classes normally begin at 8:30AM and conclude at 4:30PM each day with 15 minute coffee and snack breaks around 10/10:30AM and 3/3:30PM and an hour lunch at 12:30PM daily. Class will normally conclude early on Friday with a graduation ceremony and lunch. We are also flexible to accommodate alternate schedules; please contact us with your agenda beforehand so we can make the necessary arrangements. A 1-2 hour instructor “walk-through” with the RTC Program Manager is recommended on Sunday prior to class in order to orient the instructors with the facility and ensure everything is prepared.


Normal dress attire during the week is business or uniform on Mondays for the class photo, business casual Tuesdays through Thursdays and African attire or business casual on Fridays.

Program Material

The RTC is able to translate, print and bind course material, as well as create name tents and completion certificates for all course attendees. If you require any training material to be translated and/or copied, please let us know and provide the material to us in advance—preferably no later than three weeks in advance for translation and one week in advance for printing. We will have any presentation slides you provide uploaded on the master laptop and ready to be projected at the beginning of the course. With permission, we will also make all course material available for participants to download on our secure website.