The RTC remains committed to the sharing of knowledge and skills, to enhance the work of our participants, in their fields of work. Upon completion of RTC courses, our Alumni provide us with great feedback on courses taken at the RTC. We would like to feature one such review, given by one alumna of the RTC, and we hope her story will inspire all our alumni and future participants to be more engaged with the RTC.
Meet Mrs Yvonne Atakora Obuobisa, a Chief State Attorney in Ghana.
Hello Everyone,
I work as a Chief State Attorney at the Ministry of Justice and the Attorney General's Department, in Accra. I work mainly in the Prosecutions Division and specialize in Criminal Law and Procedure and International Criminal Law matters. I also work in the International Cooperation Unit of the Division.
I attended the Advanced Financial Techniques Seminar at the RTC from the 8th to the 12th of December 2014. That was my first course at the RTC and I found the course very beneficial for my work as a prosecutor. The course was organised by the U.S. Treasury, Office of Technical Assistance. The consultants who led the discussions
were very experienced investigators who had several years experience in organizing evidence for financial trials including money laundering cases. The insight into gathering relevant evidence for money laundering trials was very useful. Again the course afforded us the opportunity of meeting several investigators and financial analysts from various Institutions in Ghana. We got to know each other better, relevant contacts were developed and the networking opportunities among ourselves for future and ongoing financial investigations and trials was deepened.
I enjoyed the atmosphere at the RTC, the beautiful lecture room, friendly staff and good meals as well. The facilities available for learning and conferencing were of the highest standard. I do look forward to attending any other useful course for my career as a prosecutor at the RTC.
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