Dear RTC Alumni,
I find it necessary to reach out to you in these trying times. With the onset of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, all the world’s systems were put to the test, including law enforcement. To contain the spread of the virus, governments have instituted lockdowns and various measures directed by the World Health Organization (WHO), which has put law enforcement officers at the forefront, implementing these safety directives. When we recorded the first COVID-19 case in West Africa in late February, I knew our West Africa Regional Training Center (RTC) alumni would be at the frontlines working with their governments to prevent an overwhelming spread of the virus. I am proud to say that with the feedback we have received, RTC alumni continue to put their lives at risk for the safety of our communities. You are doing all of this in addition to maintaining law and order. We salute you all!
As the RTC Director, I am particularly proud knowing that the trainings we offer at the Center are geared towards empowering alumni to deal with all nature of crises even uncertain ones like the COVID -19. Whereas we do not yet have a clear idea of when this pandemic will be over, I believe that our alumni are equipped with law enforcement skills to manage the situation in their various countries. I am encouraged knowing that RTC leadership courses have empowered alumni to be more effective in their workplaces.
But as we face this serious threat, I would like to remind us all not to neglect our own safety. You cannot help your community or country if you are incapacitated. Let us endeavor to practice all safety measures when we are discharging our duties in order to keep ourselves and our families safe. Be assured that the RTC stands with you during these times, and we cannot wait for this virus to retreat so we can have you back for training.
Our engagement with you, our cherished alumni, has not been affected by the pandemic. We encourage you to reach out to your colleagues utilizing the ILEA Global Network (IGN) and our various social media platforms, that is, WhatsApp, Facebook and through our email account. If you have a success story that is directly related to the training you received at the RTC, we would love to hear it. As you know, such engagements are necessary for sharing best practices and useful information that can help us all. This is the time for us to communicate and work together as a law enforcement community because in addition to helping fight COVID-19, we have to deal with emerging threats like cybercrime and other criminal trends during this period. The criminal networks have not relented in their efforts and neither must we.
I strongly believe we will triumph over crime and the crisis we are faced with, but the extent and how soon is dependent on our ability to work together. I request that you work with us during this time so our goal of fighting transnational organized crime is attained. We value you and your work and are fully committed to helping you however possible.
Thank you.
Thank you, Director Lampley for such an inspiring message. Stay tuned as we bring you more updates in our next newsletter. Do you have some encouraging thoughts for the RTC Director? If yes, please send them to and we'll be happy to pass them along to the director.