Upcoming December Courses

December 10 2018 09:00
RTC Ghana

Two upcoming week-long courses, to be delivered at the RTC in December, will enhance the skills and management processes of law enforcement officers and leaders.

The Interviewing Techniques Course, taught by subject matter experts from the Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers (FLETC), will focus on improving the interviewing skills of law enforcement criminal investigators and law enforcement officers as they conduct interviews of victims, witnesses and suspects. The course will provide the participants with an arsenal of methods and skills to use during the course of various interview and interrogation situations that they may face on a daily basis. The course will teach participants how to obtain information effectively through various interview and interrogation methods, techniques and theory.

The Executive Leadership and Major Case Management Course, provided by subject matter experts from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), will provide a complete perspective on how to exercise leadership principles in the practical setting of managing a major criminal investigation/case. Of the many course learning objectives, the participants should learn the distinction between leadership and management, how to build effective teams, and how to handle the media during a major investigation. Using lessons learned from actual major cases, the instructors and participants will examine how time and pressure can influence major case decisions.

The RTC anticipates that these courses will contribute to the improvement of law enforcement capability across West Africa.