International Anti-Corruption Day

The United Nations has slated the 9th of December each year as the International Anti-Corruption Day. In this era, the importance of the global fight against corruption cannot be overemphasized. Each day, new cases of corruption emerge and one wonders whether the Anti-Corruption Day is relevant. We at the RTC are more committed than ever in the global fight against corruption, particularly in the sub region.

Here is the link to the video of the INL Deputy Assistant Secretary’s recent video…

…as well as a notable article in the Huffington Post co-drafted by the Assistant Secretary of INL on the subject of corruption. Enjoy reading!

The RTC seeks to equip its participants with the required skills, knowledge base, and competencies needed by law enforcement personnel to curb corruption in West Africa. As a prospective participant or alumni of the RTC, do you have any stories of what you or your organization is doing to help fight corruption in your country? I daresay a corruption-free Africa is not just a dream, but can become a reality if we all get involved in the fight against corruption!